USS Ranger Carrier Airwing 2


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USS Ranger CV-61 Desert Storm Cruise 1990 to 1991

I was going through my cruise book and found what was written from the Captain just prior to the war starting! Captain Ernest Christensen address to the crew. In August last year Iraq invaded and dismantled a country, Kuwait. That country has virtually ceased to exist. Iraq’s armed forces occupy Kuwait – approximately 530,000 men in 41 divisions. They man the KTO.
In October, the United Nations resolved that if Iraq did not withdraw from Kuwait by 15 January force would be authorized. The time for Iraq to withdraw has passed. United Nations coalition forces are now authorized to use force. On 16 January the National Command Authority declared DEFCON II.

A few minutes ago I was informed by our Operational Commander, RADM Zlatoper, that the President has ordered the U.S. Central Command to engage Iraq in hostilities.
Few Americans are as privileged to stand up and be counted…. We have been given the honor of representing our country in combat. We are here in this moment in history. We volunteered for this duty. We are trained for the this day. We are ready for this day.

Ranger will launch…., Air Wing TWO will strike…. Targets within Iraq this morning. We shall make our presence felt. This ship… this Air Wing… these staffs… will make in history a measurable difference on this day, and on the days to follow. The Wing will fly tonight and tomorrow and in the days that follow…. From those of us who cannot go… we wish you good luck. For those of us who steam, fuel, feed, arm and launch the aircraft on this ship… we are greatly counted upon, for what we do here in the near future will guarantee what this Nation does in the far future.
To the Air Wing… God Speed, good hunting… keep your powder dry and your knots up.
For the rest of us… Let’s Go Get “Em!

The End of the War 28 February 1991

The President of the United States has agreed to a ceasefire that is to go into effect at 0800 Persian Gulf time.
At 01:30 42 days ago, RANGER launched it first strike in support of Operation Desert Storm.
At 0600 today USS RANGER/CARRIER AIR WING TWO, launched the last strike of Operation Desert Storm.
To this day, USS RANGER’s air wing has flown more sorties than any aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf War (10,542 flight hours)
To this day USS RANGER air wing dropped over 4,000,000 pounds of ordinance.
USS RANGER/CARRIER AIR WING TWO, destroyed over 100 Iraqi boats, shot down 1 helicopter and destroyed numerous tanks, armored personnel carriers, bridges and numerous soldiers of the Iraqi elite Republican Guard.
To this day, U.S. and Allied troops have taken well over 50,000 enemy prisoners of war.
85,000 – 100,000 Iraqi soldiers have been killed or wounded.
The ground portion of this war lasted only 100 hours.
U.S. losses so far are 79 KIA, 212 WOUNDED, 44 MIA


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I would like to invite you to add your favorite crew patch or coin to be a part of a military focused website that creates high quality stickers. We all have crew patches and coins that sit in a box or in a holder. What if you could have them also as a sticker to put on your favorite water bottle or coffee tumbler? Our site will allow you to order a sticker one a time or as many as you want. Our goal is to keep the site up for years to come so as you get new water bottles or coffee tumblers you can keep your favorite patch or coin alive! The crew patch or coin sticker page will also contain (if available) the story of how and why it was created. A crew photo or community photo be added as well as a comment section below for all the crew members and sticker fans to leave comments. We’re also trying to find community type patches like the Flight Engineers Patch or EWOP Patch, if you know of any cool community wide patches please let us know.

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